[Recovery of an MMO Junkie] Saturday Night Question (English) – TV-Size

Saturday Night Question (From “Recovery of an MMO Junkie”)
English Lyrics by Tara St. Michel

I’m all worn out by what’s left of the never ending pain
My mind’s all twisted and tense from everything that remains
I just don’t know what to do, so I won’t do anything

My mind is flooded with doubt, the kind I cannot avoid
Much like a tree in the woods, I wish that I could just hide
I’m sick of saying “I’m sorry” to myself all the time

A bell that’s been rung will never ever unring
I question how I feel inside each and every Saturday night

Illuminating the future ahead with light connecting our separate paths
Like a dream traced with light, I just want to reach out in this moment
Embracing all of the hardest of nights and enduring all of the pain that is inside of me
Reach beyond, and open the door to finding what comes next

If I open the door, what will I find next?

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